Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer
Spawnpoint of View - ^WhatEVER, page upd.: Feb2012

serverlist 1.0/1.3/1.4

RtCW Validation
So first in
stalling PunkBuster was an option but from update/version 1.4 it was integrated. And it may be coincidense but it seems installs were checked for valid CD-keys and former bans from that time. (By masterserver?) Anyway, many updates of both resulted in maaany problems. If a player or server had an outdated version of RtCW or PB, incompatibility caused vague problems when people tried to connect. Community split up a few times and suffered from it. Pirated versions were filtered out with update/version 1.4. But also community was shattered in many smaller pieces by that time. Btw the versions 'Tides of War' for Xbox360 and 'Operation Resurrection' for Playstation2 came out, also seperated from the rest.






Problems were mainly the reason why we just played the MP demo once more. Always a great server to join and map Beach was good enough! I remember Abbatoir I en II, Ludo, Zen on the Beach and names of players like the inventive joker Jenna Jameson, BuckShack and ^Whitchdoctor the friendly lieut.

I think that because of update problems with the full game in comb with the enormous success of the free demo's, community had become heavily split up. Besides that, players of a good game stuck to one place. I know :).

RtCW Followups
Enemy Territory
would come as expansion for RtCW, but instead this appeared to be 2 standalone free demo's. It seemed okay as free extra, nice, but very soon too different. Moving around, the sounds and.. - Altough there were and still are many servers and people it just wasn't the same. We didn't play it much. I read somewhere it felt like a bad mod and I admit I share the feeling but it makes sence many switched over to Enemy Territory, ET Quake Wars or Wolfenstein (2009).